I decided to start blogging about Jordan from the moment I found out I was pregnant. Jordan was born with a little arm that didn't grow like most babies. Her left arm stopped just above the elbow. Now I'm committed to making sure Jordan gets everything out of life. We feel blessed to be the parents of a very special little girl.


No more trips for me

I'm so happy to be done with all this flying. My ankles are finally looking human again. I'm exhausted and annoyed from this last trip.

Unfortunately, this whole trip has put me in a sour mood... And I am not digging out of it. I am really behind on the new (and not live) website at work and I'm not probably keeping watch on our old (and currently the only one the public sees) site.


Jordan has been moving around in new ways today. I think she finally stretched out a bit. I've had pain exactly in the same place where Cameron used to stretch and stick his butt out. I'm wondering if she's doing a similar thing.

I do know I'm tired and I have a long 11 more weeks to go. So i'm going to work on resting a bit more and staying home more often so I'm not so tired.

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