I decided to start blogging about Jordan from the moment I found out I was pregnant. Jordan was born with a little arm that didn't grow like most babies. Her left arm stopped just above the elbow. Now I'm committed to making sure Jordan gets everything out of life. We feel blessed to be the parents of a very special little girl.


How low can you go?

I carry babies low. I couldn't say that with Cameron since he was my first. But Jordan is proving it. I carry babies low.

All of Jordans kicks or punches come very low... I can feel my pelvic bone expand. I'm going to the bathroom all the time because there just isn't a lot of room in there.

And I have 4 more months to go!!

Astonishing. I didn't truly document my pregnancy with Cam, so I can't be sure exactly what point I was at when he started to feel uncomfortable.

My mom keeps recommending I stand on my head for a little while... Maybe she'll move up a bit. I can't decide which is better -- a baby who is so high, you can't breathe or a baby who's so low, you can't walk right. I think I'll just deal with the cards that are handed to me.

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