I decided to start blogging about Jordan from the moment I found out I was pregnant. Jordan was born with a little arm that didn't grow like most babies. Her left arm stopped just above the elbow. Now I'm committed to making sure Jordan gets everything out of life. We feel blessed to be the parents of a very special little girl.


New clothing choices

Earlier this week I was late for work... Grabbed a dress and threw it on. I was running around grabbing everything I need for work when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror: You can already see a little belly sticking out of that dress.

I was late for work because I couldn't find something else to wear.

Last night was one of the many parties that come with the station. I was the only person who wasn't drinking. It was painfully obvious. The nice thing was my boss asked me if it was okay if he grabbed a beer. That was nice. By the way -- He knows early because it was our joke when we all got back from Vegas that Randy and I were pregnant. I told him when it was true so he wouldn't keep joking about it.


Anyway. We were at a skating rink... So I couldn't skate. It's a big pregnancy no-no. It was a bummer. I'm always willing to jump on the skates and look like a fool. Oh well. Maybe in a couple of years.

I have to go figure out another outfit for today. Who knows how long that could take.

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