I decided to start blogging about Jordan from the moment I found out I was pregnant. Jordan was born with a little arm that didn't grow like most babies. Her left arm stopped just above the elbow. Now I'm committed to making sure Jordan gets everything out of life. We feel blessed to be the parents of a very special little girl.


She's really figuring things out

I caught Jordan working with her occupational therapist today before we ran off to attend the December graduation ceremony. It's incredible to see how she's able to encourage Jordan to use her prosthetic. The hard part - Jordan won't do a thing with it unless you remind her that it's there to help. We'll get there.

The hard part - we had a snow storm that delayed Jordan's IEP meeting. That's the meeting where the school district will tell us if they can or cannot support us in Jordan's needs for OT and PT. My guess is they're going to say no. But until I hear from them, I can't work with Jordan's current OT and PT folks until I know if I'll get any financial support from the school district, county or insurance company. So until then, I'm going to need to work with Jordan on my own. Hopefully I'll be able to encourage her as well as Linda (Jordan's OT). I'll keep my fingers crossed!

We're heading off on a big road trip - I hope to keep it going here on the blog if a moment is worth blogging about!! Happy holidays everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Merry Christmas!